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Fly with safety for hygiene

According to reliable surveys, aircrafts are serious receptacles of bacteria and pathogen germs, which put at risk the health of millions of travelers. First of all come the microorganisms that are deposited while luggage are stored;  bacteria can also be carried on planes by hand bags. One more contaminant means is the conveyor belt of delivery. In the list of the most dangerous objects are tables and seats inside the aircraft, where it is easier to track dangerous bacteria to human health.

Some stewards have also admitted that often the staff in charge with on board cleaning have not enough time between two flights to sanitize seats and tables. A particular alert was launched on the toilets. “They are the most populated microcosm by bacteria – say biologists – as in a plane, on average, there are about 50 people per room, really a lot. Thus E.Coli, for example, is always present on the surfaces of these small toilet “. Of course you can defend yourself, by just following a few simple rules: clean your hands frequently, wash them carefully after using the toilet and do not walk barefoot in the corridors. Once you have arrived at your destination, you must care about the bacterial load that the baggage has accumulated; so, never place it on the bed to undo it. The right thing to do before undoing your luggage is sanitizing it with Travelsan, a very efficient, simple and fast operation.